Sunday, October 21, 2007

HERO Cosplayers' Divi Trip!!!

Yesterday was quite a blast for me! I went out with my fellow forumers/cosplayers to scout for materials for our costumes. First off, I traveled the farthest MRT station, which is TAFT to meet up with Yuber. I was running a little late coz I was panicking a bit for my things. And as expected of MRT, there's no seat left for me. *pouts* I was left standing for almost the whole MRT trip.

When I reached TAFT, I met up with Yuber and to my surprise, Rikkaidai was there too. The more the merrier, ehehe... Anyways, we headed to Mcdo DLSU, where we are to meet up with ate jetz and namelissis. It was the first time that I saw those two ehehhe...

We ate lunch first at Mcdo, then after talking about forum and cosplay stuff we headed out to our expedition in search of materials. It was a long ride towards divisoria, it took us more or less 20 mins to reach it.

By the time we arrived at divi, it was already so crowded and busy that I dunno where to start looking. Thankfully we got Yuber and Rikkaidai for our tour guide XD

We headed first to 168, where we found lotsa bargain anime stores! Yuber was right, all the anime items sold at CA can be bought at 168 too - at 50-75% off the price! I was itching to buy the Shinku (rozen maiden) figurine for only 1.2k and the Suigintou for only 800 bucks! plus the Suzaku and Lelouch for only 600! gawd! it's anime heaven! oh yeah, they got anime DVDs too XD

And after going through 168, we headed straight to Tutuban for our main objective - WIGS!. I was quite excited about buying my wig. But when I found out that they don't have the wig I like, my heart was broken into pieces. I saw this really light shade of pink wig for my Lacus cosplay, but its not long enough. I asked it there's gonna be another shipment of supplies but its gonna take a while for it to arrive. I could ask to make a custome wig with the same color and lenght of my choice, but it'll take me 2 months to wait and cost me around 5k! That's suicide! >_<

So I finally thought of just buying a white wig and dying it to make the shade I want. But my problem is how? I do know the materials to be used, but im not quite sure of how the procedure works. Thankfully, I found a tutorial at some cosplay forum and now my problem is solve - hopefully.

Then after that ate jetz bid her farewell and went back to school for her class. But we still have to pursue the rest of our hunt, and that is BOOTS! So we've decided to go to Quiapo - the best place to look for shoemakers and stores.

But before that, we went out to look for fabrics for Yuber and found a hidden shop full of all kinds of fabrics and leathers. I guess the best place for the right material os always out of sight.

And finally we went to Quiapo to look for shops for customized boots. Thankfully, it wasn't that hard to look for it. And in that store, it only cost me 300 bucks for my white Lacus boots! what a bargain! XD

We were about to head and go home, but we had the urge of going to SM Manila just for fun. And also to look at some wigs at the department stores. We found some decent ones, but I'm still thinking of buying the one at divi. And after a short rest and food at Mcdo (again). We took a picture of our moment of eating XD

The only proof of our divi trip. Too bad ate jetz wasn't there by that time. But there are other times to make it up for it ^___^

All in all, it was very tiring yet very fun and exciting too! Thanks for the wonderful day guys!

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