Friday, September 14, 2007

Lucky me! XD

Things were starting to go back to normal, as I just finished our duty rotation at Nodado General Hospital. We were assigned at the Delivery Room, we didn't do much all day but just sit around the conference room and wait for mothers to run at the DR to give birth.

I managed to have 2 cases in the DR. I did cord care first, I cut the baby's umbilical cord and cleaned it, gave him an oil bath, weighed him, measured him, gave him eye medicine and injected him Vit. K. It was so cool to managed babies!!!

Then my 2nd case, was a natural delivery through the mom's vagina. It was quite an experience really, seeing those parts of a female up close, plus the red blood gushing out her "you know what". But the best part is, I did an actual assist to the doctor! Woohoo! It might not sound that big to you guys, but it's a big accomplishment for student nurses. XD

Then after my duty days, I got good news concerning my grades - I passed!!! Well at least so far so good, both prelim and midterm grades were good and stable. Just a lil more and this semester will be over.

1 comment:

Ultimate Coordinator said...

It's great that you've accomplish doing those things, Aikka... I would have fainted if I seen a live delivery XD