Anyways, I've decided to cosplay my fave character of all time - Lacus Clyne!. I gotta start to walk, talk, and act as the pink haired songstress. It's hard to practice by myself and practically this is my first cosplay. My debut appearance will be on the Hero Event this coming December 1 and 2. To be honest, I'm kinda nervous about it, but I'm determined to do it! I dunno I f I'm gonna do a Lacus speech or sing a Lacus song, either way, I gotta be like her.
As for my get-up, I asked a fellow forumer I met at FilCosplay and HTVF to personally make my costume. It was so very nice of Ate Maiya to do that, well she is starting a business for cosplaying so I might as well approach her. My kunoucihi outfit plus my robe will cost me more or less 2k. For my white boots is 500-600 bucks, then my pink wig for almost 2k, my haro for 400 bucks, my hairpin for 100 bucks. So all in all, it'll cost me 5k for my costume. Shocking isn't it? Well that's what gonna cost me for my debut XD
But I don't think about the money, what I'm thinking is the support. Since this is my first cosplay, I'll be needing lotsa support from you guys. I know I'm still a newbie when it comes to this, and I don't expect to win in the contest, I just wanna have fun. Hopefully, my friends and classmates will be there, and so as my forum friends. UC even joked about "renting" the TOG boys from HTVF to root for me. But then again, I'd really appreciate it if they would. *giggles*
And so, time flies by quickly, and all I can do is wait and practice being In Character for the event. I'll see you all there ok? good luck to me and to the HERO cosplaying group!
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